Meet Your Trainer
Vernita Williams

Vernita Williams

Trainer – Caring Educator

My thoughts about teaching are simple. I ask – “Did anyone learn anything?”  A teacher can talk all day and rattle off big words. However, if the students do not understand what is being said, what good is it?

I love a quote by American author and professor Madeline Hunter. She said, “Kids don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!” That may sound a bit “warm and fuzzy.” But what she meant is that it is not possible to reach some kids academically until you first reach them on a human level. The main ingredient missing in a lot of classrooms today is a connection with kids. When students know they are valued by their teacher, they work harder.

Educators have the toughest job in America. They are asked to wear many hats – mom, dad, nurse, counselor, teacher, advisor, judge, jury and lawyer – just to name a few. As educators, we must have compassion for children as we teach them. We must love as well as teach.

As a compassionate educator and trainer, I am equipped with the tools needed to help you enhance your students’ educational experience so that  they can be the best that they can be. This is my mission. This is why I became a teacher



Vernita Williams