Here are a couple of Stories from Happy Clients


Dear Vernita,

It’s not often I’m inspired to take the time to write this kind of letter, but in this case, I was so compelled to do so.

I wanted everyone to know that I have known you for the past 17 years, I’ve benefited from your creative problem-solving, tireless work ethic, and willingness to do whatever it takes to teach, train and coach a team member.

Vernita was directly responsible for all training at our facility, and I know for a fact that her reputation, commitment, and training style helped our company develop long standing sales consultants with almost 100% retention for many years.

Our associates were making contacts they couldn’t make before and getting into accounts that have been almost impossible to get into. I know there is no such thing as a guaranteed method of success, but I can tell you that if anyone were to honestly try your approach, I would have a very difficult time believing that they wouldn’t succeed.

Since all our training sessions with you, you made such a difference in our sales department and I know that every associate and myself will take that with us through the rest of our careers.

I would highly recommend you and your training and coaching techniques to anyone.

This past April, I completed 17 years of sales and that’s amazing as this was not what my original career path was going to be, and when I heard you had started your own training and coaching business, I had to let you know what a difference your training has made with me and stayed with me all these years.

As a matter of fact, not only did I have the highest profitable sales for the company after only 2 years, but I was promoted to a manager within 5 years.

My fear back then of making it sales had been replaced with excitement and enthusiasm. I can’t wait to get to work in the morning and get on the phone. The confidence I feel prevents me from feeling rejection when I don’t close a sale. I just look forward to my next opportunity to “discover a problem I can help solve.” I use the skills I learned in your training classes every day.

Please feel free to use me as a reference at any time.

Thank you for everything,



I have had the privilege of knowing Vernita for thirty years. We worked together at Sysco Foods for fifteen years where I was the Director of Business Development. Vernita helped me and the hundreds of salespeople and managers stay on top of their game. Not only did she give us technical assistance, but she gave us sound advice to be more productive in our positions. That advice raised us to a higher level of productivity. Most of all Vernita was a joy to work with and a true friend who cared about the welfare of everyone she came in contact with. I will never forget the help she personally gave me over the years.

Richard Shammas
A Global Payments Company


“I would just like to voice my support for Vernita, who had helped me so much in the past in her former roll as IT support for Sales at Sysco.

When it came to setting up computers for customers to track their inventory and place their own orders she was very patient and went above and beyond to make sure they understood the parameters and potential pitfalls of the software.  She has always been very realistic about problems that are foreseeable, and giving her students a work around ahead of time.

I always remember one time on a Thursday, our busiest day of the week in Foodservice, when I had to drive down to West Palm Beach to pick up product from the Warehouse for one of my customers.  It was a rainy day, of course, and my computer was not cooperating.  I pulled over underneath an overpass near Jupiter and placed my lifeline call to Vernita.  I should preface this by saying, I’m not the most technically savvy individual you’re ever going to meet.

Vernita knew this, having talked me through other problems in the past, and she could hear the fear in my voice.  I was explaining I had about $30,000 in sales on 10 or 11 different orders in my laptop but I was unable to get a connection to the internet to get them to flow through to Sysco’s server.  Very calmly, she asked if I had a screwdriver, a Phillips head.  When I read to her the error message I was being given, she told me I could do this. Then, she instructed me to shut everything down, and she had me unscrew a panel on the underside of my lap top.  Then she had me take out a chip (I’m calling it that, that may not be the proper name, it was a bar like object actually with teeth on the bottom where it locked into the laptop in its own compartment) turn it around, and fit it back in.  Then screw things back together, and fire up the order entry software to try and get a connection.  All with traffic speeding past where I was parked under the bridge on the highway.

Joy! Success!  The orders were submitted, the trucks got routed and my customers got their groceries!

She was confident enough for the two of us, totally got me through that minor emergency as well as helping me in countless other ways in our time on the same team.

Michael P. Anderson
Field Sales Coordinator
Sales Support

I have had the opportunity to witness Vernita’s communication (daily for 3 years) with adolescent pupils in China. Vernita consistently provides an organized and disciplined, highly effective routine. Her exceptional and optimal manner with students enables a healthy desire to learn. Vernita’s classroom management and affective domain strengths are consistently on display, and she achieves excellent ‘time on task’ behavior.

Vernita’s work with adults is similarly inspiring. Her dedication, attention to detail and preparation for the training sessions which she conducts is always apparent. Vernita is always emotionally available, and focused on the tasks at hand.


Patrick F McCann

Retired Schoolteacher, 24 years










Vernita Williams